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Write down simple and short dialogues following the examples of the video (Gogos) which we watched together

In pairs discuss about some situations which are about to happen
Crystal Ball
Have you ever played with the magic 8 ball? This is similar. Type a yes/no question (e.g. "will I win the lottery?") and press enter. The ball will give you an answe
תרגול נוסף באתר הבא

subj + will + base form of the verb + obj
is used for:
- decisions taken at the moment of speaking
I think you'll pass your exam. You have studied so hard!
I hope my favourite team will win the championship
- promises/offering to do something/asking to do something
I promise I'll call you later.
Don't be sad. I will help you.
Will you shut the door, please?
- if sentences (first conditional) for things which will possibly happen
If it rains this evening, I won't go out.
will or going to
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